Thursday 30 December 2010

A Year of Free Reading

Why 52 Free Books?
In the middle of a recent bout of pre-New Year clutter clearing I took stock of all my unread books - you know the ones I'm talking about - exciting treasures gathered from second hand shops & lucky bookcrossing finds, piled up waiting by my bed and those still unread gems hidden UNDER the bed, and shamefully enough, some still in the shiny carrier bag from the shop, loved on the way home and then accidently misplaced........

As further evidence emerged of more stored in cupboards all over the house, I decided it was time to stop gathering and start reading what I already have - well I chose them for a reason in the first place didn't I? So here's my no cost 2011 challenge - 52 books piled up at random, not already read and just waiting for me to discover their delights - I'm going to read a book a week, review it on the blog and release it for more people to enjoy the wonders of free books.

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